Creates a sender used to send messages to the given address. The address must be set. For anonymous sender, check
{@link #createAnonymousSender(Handler)}.
@param address The target address to attach to, allowed to be {@code null} if the {@code options}
configures the sender to be attached to a dynamic address (provided by the broker).
@param options The AMQP sender options
@param completionHandler The handler called with the sender, once opened
@return the connection.
@see #createAnonymousSender(Handler)
Creates a sender used to send messages to the given address. The address must be set. For anonymous sender, check {@link #createAnonymousSender(Handler)}.
@param address The target address to attach to, allowed to be {@code null} if the {@code options} configures the sender to be attached to a dynamic address (provided by the broker). @param options The AMQP sender options @param completionHandler The handler called with the sender, once opened @return the connection. @see #createAnonymousSender(Handler)